Bachelor degree

Now finally got Bachelor degree certificate, and I was really too happy, and I have never been so happy, and now my diploma too high, I think there should be no one in the company and then look down on me now, although I said to be the last one taken inside our company Bachelor degree, but I think in my ability to work, since I have plenty of opportunity for advancement, leadership deliberately promoted before my time, every time, because I was not Bachelor degree and lose, which makes I’m really very frustrated, so I firmly decided to test this Bachelor degree certificate, now, I got the Bachelor degree certificate, I would not have a chance in thinking about the future but because the diploma wronged, I really was so happy, my efforts can be considered a result.

kelly bag

This kelly bag I have been back for a few years, or reluctant to change, Who I do so like kelly bag, remember that when I signed for the company to make a big list of companies a lot of money, the year I got large sum of money, I use that sum of money to buy my dream was kelly bag, now my sister always said let me re-buy a new bag, this kelly bag to give her, but I still do not think, so he said to her re-buy a new one, but she must kelly bag, I said if you want kelly bag, then you can only buy their own efforts to make money, like when I, too, or else how could there now the kelly bag it?






If you get this diploma, I was so happy, but now I was depressed because I do not know that I will not get the diploma, I think our class people are very good, so I competition pressure is great! Our class people basically in a month ago has started, because everyone knows the importance of this diploma. If there is a lot of it in the future work will be good, we are actually the students’ pressure is great, so heartless not want adults said! This kind of thing I think I still have to wait and see, if not get so I think I will go again.

hermes bag

Early in the morning I gave good friends call about a good noon meal to go shopping, husband helplessly looking at me, as if my heart has one thousand won’t like, I told him I actually in the mall is a Hermes bag, and today do activities, the price is very cheap, so they want to buy, this is not the husband also indirectly to save money. And friends meet at noon, I said to go to the mall to me for a long time, Hermes bought bag, friends say beauty ah, to the Hermes bag store, I did was elected have fancy package, ten minutes to complete a series of procedures, I think the Hermes bag is my most Zhongyi bag ah, now bought is really very happy.



柏林 五星酒店

我是和经理一起来柏林出差的,我虽然不是她的秘书,但是平时我们的关系还是很不错的,所以这次出差的时候,她就带着我一起来的,我们到了柏林之后,很快的就办了一些工作上的事情,后来我们就在柏林 五星酒店里面休息了,这个柏林 五星酒店还真的是好啊,我们本来是想着在这里面我们说国语别人都是听不懂的,但是没有想到有一个前台的工作人员,听到我们的谈话,竟然用国语和我们两个交谈起来,这让我们觉得真的是很亲切啊,所以我觉得啊,住在这个柏林 五星酒店里面真的是很温馨啊。



hermes kelly

There is a former good friend now buy a hermes kelly, that we met when she was carrying to buy the hermes kelly, really have to say hermes kelly bag inside the Queen’s feeling, I really liked my friend bought hermes kelly bag, but if so I bought it I’m sure not willing to buy, because I use the money now is the best time, my family had just bought a house, and then have renovated or something, if I put the money then it spent another how to do, so in the end I will not consider those, but I still envy my friend that.