EMBA Singapore
The inside of the company who is very clear plan for their future, I think this is very good, as if someone had now to learn EMBA Singapore, in fact, I also want to learn EMBA Singapore, but considering my child is still small, I had to learn EMBA Singapore, I do not know the child who is to take care of it, sometimes I was so hesitate, hesitation will have some beat all things happened, I know this is not possible, but in the end I repeat I did that, my husband is also said to me many times, but I don’t know the how to change.
financial planning
And my best friend that I don’t know how to write financial planning report, he says that you don’t get discouraged, you just have to do your own want to do work on it, I think, to write a financial planning report, I can’t do words, then I can do what, so I now need to think what would go to face my next job, your arrangement is not your own work, so then what should how to face it, this is a big problem, but I still think, at this stage, I go or what I should do first to do besides other things.
wedding band
When brother married please wedding band is very good, I like very much, the very atmosphere of wedding band, you will feel very happy and happy, I just feel that way, but sometimes I would think, you don’t want to go to plexus one thing, you need to try to change myself, I think I just need to do that to my brother, in fact, they ask the wedding band, is that they think is a great band, never thought we are very like it, my brother said that if we really love you, he is very happy, I also feel that way.
シンガポール 就職
兄はいくつかの学友はすべてシンガポール 就職、彼も行きたいシンガポール 就職で、この何日か両親はずっと考えて兄にシンガポール 就職か、夜の両親は我々を呼ぶとはこのことを相談して、最終的に私たちが賛成した兄がシンガポール 就職で、兄聞いた後に嬉しかったです。彼はあそこに行ってきっとよく働く、必ず家の条件を改善して、兄は私に言って、彼は以前にも知らない彼のようながシンガポール 就職のことか、その後彼の学友に行くという、しかもその仕事に行くと聞いて稼いだのものはとても多くて、決めて行った
playground equipment
Friends around me today and she went to the amusement park, and I readily agreed, the park when I find amusement park inside for some of the new playground equipment, should look very fun, he found a seat and other friends, when friends come over, friends told me, she heard her colleagues Xiao Liu said this amusement park inside for some of the new playground equipment a few days ago, now appears to be true, today can be fun, I told a friend, to make the new playground equipment all have fun again. Friends say today to relax.
シンガポール 会社設立
闻くところによると、シンガポールで発足1社も容易なことではない。われわれのような華僑にとって。しかし、私の一人、卒业后も自分の両親と一緒にシンガポール。现在あ準備と彼のお父さんは開例がある。先週末に私たちの居酒屋で出会ったので、彼は私を手伝っているシンガポール 会社設立されたが、仆はシンガポールも知らない何人かの人だったが、クラスメイトが口を開いた。ではが政府省庁の出勤した母が手伝ってクラスの一部シンガポール 会社設立 した関連手続きをしている。同期の感謝して、私は大変とお母さんの言葉で、彼らの会社を設立したのかもしれない。などの1段の时间がありますよ.
台湾 癌症治疗
家里的人都给我说,你要是真的想让他们有好的身体的话,那么你就带他们去做台湾 癌症治疗,我知道我家里人为什么会那样说,虽然我和我婆婆的关系不怎么好,但是我还是希望她是健康的,所以说我现在是觉得,去做台湾 癌症治疗也不是说不可以的,本来我是那种想要去做那件事情的,但是到最后我又害怕带我婆婆去了之后没有什么好的效果,那么也不知道该怎么办呢,不过我发现其实做了台湾 癌症治疗之后,她好像变的好了很多,整个人也感觉精神了很多。