half case

Always wanted to buy an half case camera cover, not to think of some time ago a friend gave me the camera set to send a half case, when just feel very surprise, because I didn’t know who sent them, then a friend called, asked I received no, I this just understand come over, he sent me, and I said what I want to know the camera set half case ah, it is so sweet, he said that when he went to buy a camera, see the half case camera cover, oneself also very like, I thought I saw it it will be very like, have been connected to buy two, one to his own one just send me back.

financial planning

The company is going to make a financial planning, but has been unable to find suitable people. But I have a recommended, because a friend is always working in the finance company, their company is mainly to do financial planning and some financial planning and so on, is a professional company. I had the company of friends recommended to the boss, then the boss to field a little. Back then I feel very satisfied, please a consultant to help us do the financial planning, which can be solved a major problem in the company, the boss said to me. I think what I didn’t do, just because there are friends good things, then I should also learn about the financial aspects of knowledge.

台湾 凤梨酥

都好久的没有吃了到过台湾 凤梨酥,昨天和朋友打电话的时候我们还谈到了台湾 凤梨酥,突然之间我就感觉我自己特别的想吃台湾 凤梨酥的,第一次吃到台湾 凤梨酥的时候不是我去台北出差的时候利用晚上的时候出去玩的时候吃到的,谁让自己是一个完美的吃货,走到哪都不会忘记吃的。而且我第一次吃的时候我就特别的喜欢,因為台湾 凤梨酥的味太美了,从哪以后我就再也没有吃到过那么美味的台湾 凤梨酥了,现在想想都有一咱流口水的感觉的。

Light tent

When my brother is specially likes photography for a class of things, these we all know, so the thing we photographic equipment category is very much, now brother have university, and we now photographic equipment is also more and more, I go home at the weekend, the younger brother this time it was also during the summer, did not think of is the younger brother this time went and bought several Light tent, all day playing with his Light tent, but I think my little brother is very talented, and every time he went out those pictures back are very beautiful, now in his brother’s room beautiful photos very much.




I went and bought myself a short time ago, I quite like the first day, I just wear to work, one of my colleagues say that I this short sleeve pictured above is Gundam, and she asked me where she bought to want one, I know she is a Gundam game at that time, I had only know her special love animation, but did not think of is me this clothes is unexpectedly colleagues like Gundam pattern, but I liked it, though I didn’t see the pass on Gundam animation, but I also liked the clothes I now look at colleagues, especially like Gundam, then I will put my clothes place also told her.




The house I live with friends now is found at Sumitomo, the company that is the strength of the company, and they have a lot of very good housing resources, we just got here when they did not find a good house, to be like if you go to the housing conduit company may be a bit better, but afraid of the wrong place, if found a liar, not only to find the house, maybe it will be money, but I know Sumitomo company, to let my friend go there and have a look, the results of the second day he went to consult a Sumitomo, just the kind of house we want. So my friend immediately decided to this apartment, after I came to look after also feel very satisfied.



