要不是我哥哥給說他現在在做場地 出租的話,我都不知道我哥哥辭去了他之前的工作了,其實我哥哥之前的工作是非常不錯的,工作也不累還很穩定,待遇也是非常不錯的,我哥哥有的時候對我是有什麽說什麽的,他做場地 出租的事情我家裡的人都不知道,我自己知道了之後我還是很驚訝的,我覺得怎麼會那樣呢,我哥哥說他已經決定好的事情,其實我覺得他要是真的想去做場地 出租的話,那麼他一定會做很好的,因為我知道我哥哥一直以來都是很棒的。
conference room
I think they’re inside the company conference room is really too grand, because I often to this company, I every time come, is to talk about things in their conference inside the room, so I think they conference room is really gives a very comfortable feeling, so I think I should put us inside conference room also re decoration, because in that case, wait for customers to our company to go inside, will feel that our conference room not so shabby, so that our conference room really is redecorating.
study in UK
A lot of people actually want to go to study in UK, I am no exception, in fact, I have been very want to go to the study in UK, because I think that the study in UK, at the very least, other do not say, the most important is can improve my English, and the study in UK also does not have what not good, we can also learn about other countries, cultural geography, I is a good thing for us, so I start to learn, so, I might go to study in UK, a goal, and this is my gas, I I believe I can, to own this confidence is still there.
financial planning
Just out of school students like me, namely zero zero assets liabilities anyone starting a new job in China is a large group. Our entry by a depend parents to support into a desultory students rely on their own money to feed their own professional people, how the financial planning their financial problem is particularly important, but at present our country many newcomers in the workplace finance consciousness is weak, is lack of professional financial knowledge, so I think we will from now on to make a financial planning, I think it is very important for us, how to learn some more money, work out their own financial planning scheme。
場地 租用
媽媽說要不是我自己讓你去做場地 租用的話,也不知道你現在在做什麽呢,我也不知道我媽媽爲什麽會突然那麼說,但是我覺得我媽媽那樣說是對的,其實很多時候你自己去做場地 租用的時候,你都會覺得,其實做了場地 租用也沒有什麽不好的,你能做好你該去做的事情就好了,其他的也不要想那麼多了,其實我在做場地 租用的時候,我還是很開心的,因為很多時候你自己不好好去做事情的話,那麼你也不知道該怎麼辦,那個時候其實我也是那樣想的。