BVI Company

I am very happy ah, to the BVI Company to work really is a very happy thing! I am a graduate student, so after graduation also with other peers into the job difficult, but although it is difficult but I always did not give up not idle! I finally found the Bvi Companies, although I’m only a small staff but the Bvi Company treatment was very good, so I think I would have been here to work, I still have a lot of understanding of the place, I believe I can do the job!


Now I do not know how to Diploma, I feel very good, but I got to the place to go to find a job, I became aware of my Diploma is so common, even when I am the Diploma are lower than others the requirements of employers, at that time I was very one kind of frustration, because has always felt should be good, but now it is so realistic, so that half past one would still be difficult to accept, and some when I myself am such a person, if they have no confidence when it becomes like another person, and I think that he is actually good.

wedding photography

My mom says if I love to shoot wedding photography, then I had a good shoot, and if that is not fun to shoot a set of words that can shoot two, in fact, I personally think that if my husband and I really enjoy shooting wedding photography in the process, then we took a lot of times it is no, but I think he is, my husband and I are not the kind of people who pose and shape, so that we shoot wedding photography at the top, not the very enthusiastic, sometimes I think he is my husband and I are kind of on their own people is not very high.



台北 五星酒店

也不知道他到底想什么非要住在五星酒店才行,一个大男人比女人还爱斤斤计较,本来就是来出差嘛,干嘛还要挑三捡四的,最后就去了台北 五星酒店,那里我之前也去过,感觉还不错,饭菜的口味我都比较喜欢,就是不知道客房如何,不过一样台北 五星酒店知名度也算不错,应该差不到哪里去,如果我那个做作的男同事再说什么的话我就要向领导告状了。还好一到台北 五星酒店之后他好像觉得还不错,所以也没有说什么,这下总算可以安心办公了。



Bachelor degree

Now get the Bachelor degree mood is very excited, I feel that I am so many years of hard work was not in vain! I know the school I really is not easy, our home is very bad so that mom and dad are put all their hopes on me, for this thing I feel that I am also the burden is heavy, so I will study so hard! Finally I got the Bachelor degree, I feel Bachelor degree after I after looking for work are not too difficult, I think that if parents know it must be very happy, after all, they also have no white hard ah!



台北 五星酒店

公司派我去台北出差,说起这次出差我真的不想去,因为我去台北一点都不熟悉,去了住哪我都不知道,这让我真不知道如何是好,但是公司已经决定了让我去了,不去也不行了,我只好去了,去了之后公司给我电话说已经在那边把酒店给我订好了是台北 五星酒店 ,哇,我没听错就是台北 五星酒店 ,台北 五星酒店可是我没想到公司领导对我还有这么好的待遇,真让我太意外了太开心了,看来我一定得把这个客户拿下,不然回去太没面子了。

