
我自家店裡買了一個標籤收銀呢,可是今天不知道怎麼回事,票出不來了,所以沒辦法營業了, 因為現在的人出來都不喜歡給身上裝太多的現金,都是喜歡在商場購物刷卡的。所以我就給門外貼了一個暫停營業的告示,我想著等我自己修好標籤以後,再營業也不晚,可是我修了半天也沒有修好,我也很著急,因為這幾天我家店的生意一直都很好,要是再這個節骨眼上關門的話,我就虧大了,於是趕緊給正在上班的老公打了電話,讓他過來幫我修理標籤,沒想到老公一來幾分鐘都搞定了,所以我現在又開始正常營業了。



Organic Bodycare

Since the Organic Bodycare, I found it really a lot of my skin, I especially love the look in the mirror, my husband said I’m young. And now if I go out to work, my colleagues will ask me to have what skin care products ah, the skin so good, in fact, I think my skin very good recently, because I have been all this time to do Organic Bodycare, later I returned to my colleagues Organic Bodycare is also introduced, these days, some of them seem to do Organic Bodycare, I also feel that they recently looking and feeling much better, but they also feel that the effect is very good. So a lot of people this time we are going to do Organic Bodycare.





初生 嬰兒 用品

今天上網的時候無意間看到一家網店在賣初生 嬰兒 用品,裏面的東西真的非常齊全,想不到這裡還有這麼多初生 嬰兒 用品,以後我就不用去外面買了,要知道這麼熱的天,出去一趟就像是在受刑一樣,而且我們家附近還沒有初生 嬰兒 用品的店鋪,總是要讓我走到隔壁街才能買到,而且我覺得在商鋪裏面買東西有一點不好就是東西不全,有的時候想專門去買件什麽用品就是買不到,所以看到賣初生 嬰兒 用品的網店我真的很開心,一般網店上的東西都很多的,不怕買不到我想要的東西。

Pool Furniture

When we watch TV see now is one of the most popular Pool Furniture doing activities I put the Pool Furniture to do the activities of the shopping mall address down for an afternoon will go to the shopping mall. See if good words I had to buy a set of Pool Furniture. When friends this afternoon I was leaving the called and asked me to accompany her to eat a piece I told my friends that I want to go to the mall she can tell me to go to the mall I accompany her to go to dinner friends listened to my story will be agreed now, off the phone with my friend I would go directly to the the mall did not expect friends than I first saw the friend I told my friends that I want to look at the Pool Furniture if yes then I will buy a set now.





One piece

I have quite a few colleagues are particularly like to watch One piece last time I went to the colleague Wang play at home when I see Wang room to put a lot of One piece, this afternoon off Wang came about a piece of me to go shopping and I agreed. With Wang is not to the mall. Wang said she would go shopping to go to the One piece asked if I want to go with her to see me they have promised, just walked into a store specializing in selling Wang ran the One piece store to, Xiao Wang to store inside don’t want to go other places I accompany Wang in the store to see a moment let Xiao Wang to accompany me to eat a piece.